July 19, 2025
This competition will be held as a Virtual competition ONLY!
If you have your own Orion scoring system, scores will need to be reported by Saturday at 2:00 - scores will NOT be accepted after that.
If you do not have an Orion, please contact Michele Happs ASAP so that targets can be mailed and returned.
$15 per shooter
Deadline: July 18, 2025 at 5PM
Maximum of 40 Shooters permitted
If you have your own Orion scoring system, scores will need to be reported by Saturday at 2:00 - scores will NOT be accepted after that.
3 Position Sporter Air Rifle individual
3-Position Precision Air Rifle individual competition
Junior (9-14)
Senior (15-18)
Clear Barrel Indicators (CBI’s) are required for all rifles.
Target: Orion scoring system will be used
Course of Fire: Sixty (60) shots; three stages at 10 meters (33 feet)
Stages: 8 minutes combined preparation and sighter period
20 minutes prone (20 record shots)
5 minutes changeover
5 minutes sighter period
25 minutes standing (20 record shots)
5 minutes changeover
5 minute sighter period
20 minutes kneeling (20 record shots)
Equipment: Shooters must furnish their own rifle, pellets and equipment. Compressed air will be available. CO2 will not be furnished.
Clear Barrel Indicators (CBI’s) are required for all rifles.
Ammunition: 100% lead wadcutter pellets are the only approved pellets for use during the match.
National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules (CMP)
Latest Edition of the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules. The wearing of eye protection is mandatory. Scoring will be done utilizing the Orion Scoring System. Sporter Air Rifle equipment and clothing will be according to rule 4.2-4.3, and 4.7. Precision Air Rifle equipment and clothing will be according to rule 4.4 –4.7
Michele Happs
2025 Virginia Commonwealth Games merchandise will be available for purchase online.
2025 Virginia Commonwealth Games bronze, silver and gold medals will be given in each category/division
Sport Specific Questions: Contact Sport Director Michele Happs at
Online Registration/Website Questions: Contact the Virginia Amateur Sports office at
All dates, times, locations and formats are tentative at this time. Virginia Amateur Sports reserves the right to make changes to the sport information noted on this page. Some dates, locations and times may change due to registration numbers. Participants are encouraged to check sport info often for any changes.