Open play will begin at 9am.
Check In starts at 9:15am
Tournament rules overview at 9:45am
The official tournament play will begin at 10am
VENUE Liberty University Marching Band Field [View Map]
Online registration coming soon
Deadline - July 18 at 7pm
Competition Format:
Round Robin play will provide each team with 3 games before being seeded and moving on to a single elimination round. Single elimination will include best out of 3 matches where the winners advance until they have won the final match and achieved a gold medal. The team beaten in the final will receive silver and the two teams who lost in the semifinal matches will compete for bronze.
MERCHANDISE 2025 Virginia Commonwealth Games merchandise will be available for purchase during events at various locations and online.
AWARDS 2025 Virginia Commonwealth Games bronze, silver and gold medals will be given in each category/division.
Sport Specific/Online Registration Questions: Contact Sport Director Tyler Bullock at or 434-660-8838
Website Questions: Contact the Virginia Amateur Sports office at All dates, times, locations and formats are tentative at this time. Virginia Amateur Sports reserves the right to make changes to the sport information noted on this page. Some dates, locations and times may change due to registration numbers. Participants are encouraged to check sport info often for any changes.